Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Judgement Vs. Precision

These images show documentation of an experiment comparing judgment against precision. I followed the same recipe for a fig tart twice, the first time by only using limited equipment (no weighing scales, food processors or timings) and the second time by following the recipe exactly (using all appliances exactly as instructed). This is documented by the left hand page showing judgment and the right hand page showing precision.

I wanted to find out whether domestic technologies inhibit skill. I thought that if I didn't rely on any equipment and purely on my judgment then I would produce a less successful tart than if I had used the equipment I'm used to and depended on the recipe exactly. It turned out that both outcomes were very similar in quantity, appearance and taste, and by following the timings exactly one tart was slightly overcooked (meaning that judgment won!).

Another experiment may work better if it is a domestic or everyday task (unaided by the normal technologies) that requires some degree of skill to create a outcome at a certain standard of perfection. One that I am not used to.

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